
Manecub ManeRewards

What's ManeRewards?

It’s time for us to give back. Here’s a little something for you. Enjoy 10% points rebate for every booking you make with us. You can redeem it for a 10% discount off your next booking!
Wait, here comes the exciting part...

Tell a friend and unlock the ManeRewards #lifehack booster!

Yep, share your referral link to friends and they get a 10% discount while you get to earn points too!

Want to step up your game?

You may wish to collect 400 points and exchange it for a FREE haircut! 
No expiry date to your points as well ;)
Let's be nice, share the love!
With Love,
The Manecub Team
- Only valid from 13 December 2022 - for new bookings placed from end January 2023 onwards.
- Gift cards are not eligible to earn points.
- Any utilized gift cards or has been refunded, will not be valid thereafter.
- Minimum 40 points to claim a 10% discount voucher
- Accumulate 400 points to claim a 100% discount voucher for a free haircut